I'm almost hesitant to even use the title "Dark Reality" because its adherents, its self-confirming slack jawed disciples, would relish the fact that anyone who doesn't bow down to the same gods they do would label something they do as dark.
"Ah ha!" they'd say, "The normie thinks what we believe is 'dark' and 'wrong.' Of course they would -- we are, after all, not normies. That means we're right, and the normie saying we're wrong only means we're right!"
Your reality is whatever you make it. Across the spectrum of reality, and experience, there is no one point that is more real than another.
Some participants in reality have more, or less, freedom to choose the point in that spectrum they decide to focus on. Some are sadly stuck in a smaller window of opportunity due to environmental or biological factors.
Redditors or b/tards purposefully choose the most dark and pessimistic point in reality to settle on. They do this of their own free will, usually without a cognitive disability (other than not being able to think rationally or critically, which admittedly all of them suffer) to blame. Pessimism and jadedness is chosen for shallow, philistine, and utterly disappointing reasons.
That viewpoint can be characterized by the following general points:
- They think life is just a series of shitty experiences. Wisdom (to them) is just being able to categorize, label, deride, and predict shitty experiences before they happen. Thus, there are no predictions other than inevitable doom.
- They want to appear like they've lived a real "disillusioned" life. This comes from a misreading (again, they all suffer from the ability to think critically) of movies like Fight Club or Joker, where they think the more miserable and nihilistic a person is, the more "real" their life is.
- They want to appear cognitively able, so they reference popularly misread philosophies like Nietzsche or tenants of Hinduism (see: Kali Yuga) in vapid ways and with an obsession of externally signaling the right messages. The irony here is that they're depending on people they call normies to define parts of their own identity, basically removing from themselves a very strong and real power one has in life: That is, the ability to define your identity and reality.
- They have a desperate need to be liked and misery loves company. They all have validation issues, and I know "misery loves company" is a cliche but I think you'll find it to be true. None of these people can stand themselves or stand to deal with listening to their own thoughts for longer than an hour. They need to sign online and send torrents of messages to anyone who hasn't blocked them yet on Discord, or comment on any thread they find on Twitter, Reddit, 4chan, wherever. The easiest way to engage people is to be a negative creep. Try it, and you'll see how many people respond to you.
The basic building blocks of this persistent, and conscious, negative personality is the inability to think for themselves, and the inability to deal with themselves. They crave identity but lack the ability to make their own. They crave connections, but lack the ability to build them in any way other than negative emotion manipulation.
Their core comforting virtue they tell themselves is that this constant "the world sux!" inner monologue they have actually enlightens them to the real world, the real experiences of the world, and that they can see clear.
Again, reality is what you make it. What do you want your reality to be? If you need to constantly enslave yourself to the desires of other (craving validation), to the identity others made for you, and to denying anything in life that doesn't fit within this stupid framework you made just so you can fit in with a group of cross-eyed idiots, then what are you other than a mental slave?
Does a mental slave experience reality more than one who has no such fetters?